Welcome to our new Chief Executive

We are delighted to announce that our new Chief Executive, Dr Lucie Moore, will be joining CEASE from September. 

A specialist in sexual exploitation, Lucie is bringing a breadth of experience from her professional and voluntary work, including research, advocacy and direct support for survivors of sexual harm. 

Lucie’s previous roles include Director of Research at Youthscape, and Senior Research Fellow at the Safer Young Lives Centre, University of Bedfordshire, where she worked on gang-associated sexual exploitation, the care system and new ways of understanding safety. One of the founding members of Faiths Against Child Sexual Exploitation, Lucie has helped to lead a coalition of Muslims and Christians working to prevent and respond to CSE. She spent ten years as Chair of Trustees and a front-line volunteer, at Azalea, a Luton based charity supporting women exploited through prostitution.

“This is an exciting new chapter in my career fighting sexual exploitation. I wholeheartedly share the values of CEASE, and I look forward to bringing my skills and experience to this crucial work.” 

Dr. Lucie Moore

Naomi Miles, Chair of Trustees for CEASE, said:

“The scale of our mission is huge. As we seek to expose and dismantle the commercial and cultural forces driving sexual exploitation, we are thrilled to have Lucie, with her wealth of knowledge and collaborative spirit, lead the charge.” 

Lucie will start at CEASE from 5 September 2023.
