Tami Gomes

Tami Gomes is the Digital Content Officer at CEASE.

With over 14 years of experience in digital marketing and promotions, she has spent the last five years working in the charity sector, supporting survivors of sexual violence and abuse, and creating CPD-accredited e-learning and digital training courses for practitioners.

Tami has worked as a freelance web designer for more than seven years, collaborating mainly with charities and CICs to develop digital self-help and resilience platforms. She led the creation of a national platform that hosts the largest database of resources in the UK for survivors and trauma-affected individuals.

For her pioneering work as a lead on a separate three year project, Tami was awarded runner-up ‘Digital Champion within the Community’ at the Staffordshire Digital Champion Awards. This recognition was for her efforts in conceptualising and launching Staffordshire’s first fully digital youth support service with an integrated live chat support feature, specifically aimed at those affected by and at risk of child sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse.