Dr Elly Hanson is a Clinical Psychologist, writer and researcher whose work has a focus on preventing abuse, harm and injustice. She undertakes consultation, research, teaching and training, working with schools, the criminal justice system, charities and social workers. Elly’s recent writing and analysis has focussed on online forces and dynamics conducive to sexual abuse and exploitation, and her publications include ‘Pornography and Human Futures’, the first report for Fully Human, a new initiative of the PSHE Association.
For ten years Elly worked with CEOP (the Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency) and she is on the NCA’s database of Expert Advisors. She also works therapeutically with survivors of abuse, and has previously worked with adults with addictions, children who are looked after, and those with harmful sexual behaviour.
Elly is an advisor to CEASE and part of the Expose the Harm team.