Big Porn, or the global online pornography industry, is a proven driver of Big Harms. It causes the spread of image-based sexual abuse and child sexual abuse material. It normalises sexual violence, harmful sexual attitudes and behaviours. And it offers children easy access to violent, sexist and racist sexual content, which is proven to cause them a range of harms. Learn more about the online porn industry from our report.

The UK Government’s Online Safety Bill is our best chance to regulate the online pornography industry, but currently the draft Bill doesn’t mention the online pornography industry once. The Government’s ‘one size fits all’ approach to online safety won’t work with the porn industry, which has shown over two decades that it can’t be trusted to regulate itself.

We are making 3 recommendations for vital improvements to strengthen the Bill so that the porn industry’s harms can properly be curbed:  

“If we fail to see the porn industry as it really is, efforts to regulate it will flounder. We must reach out to MPs to urge them to understand the unique harms posed by Big Porn as they debate the Online Safety Bill in the months ahead.”
Vanessa Morse, CEO

Take Action to ensure the Online Safety Bill doesn’t give Big Porn a free pass

Write to your MP today using the template email below to urge them to ensure the commercial online pornography industry is robustly regulated. Don’t worry, it’s quick and easy as we’ve already written the email for you.

The more MPs are aware of the Bill’s failings on pornography, the more they will challenge and question the Government when the Bill goes through the Houses of Parliament. 

Interested in learning more? Find out more about the vast online porn industry from our Expose Big Porn report.