Category News

Pimps and punters enjoy near impunity, new figures show

Convictions for exploiting people through prostitution have plummeted since 2010, despite the rise of lucrative pimping websites New analysis of Ministry of Justice statistics by UK Feminista and CEASE (Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation) has revealed that enforcement of…

CEASE 2022/23 Annual Report published

The CEASE Team works diligently throughout the year to ensure that our resources are put to the best use in aid of our vision to see a world free from sexual exploitation. Our work includes; Throughout the 2022/23 financial year,…

Welcome to our new Chief Executive

We are delighted to announce that our new Chief Executive, Dr Lucie Moore, will be joining CEASE from September.  A specialist in sexual exploitation, Lucie is bringing a breadth of experience from her professional and voluntary work, including research, advocacy…