Tilda Nilsson

Tilda Nilsson


BY NAOMI MILES, FOUNDER AND CHAIR OF TRUSTEES Such occasions are natural opportunities to pause, reflect and take stock of where we’re at, both as an organisation and as a society for which perhaps our attitude towards protecting children from…

A reckoning is coming

By Gemma Kelly, Head of Policy and Public Affairs It’s been an interesting few months for Aylo, the current owners of Pornhub and nearly 100 other pornography sites. Undercover videos began dropping in October last year, revealing that amongst other…


The CEASE Team works diligently throughout the year to ensure that our resources are put to the best use in aid of our vision to see a world free from sexual exploitation. Our work includes; Throughout the 2022/23 financial year,…

Welcome to our new Chief Executive

We are delighted to announce that our new Chief Executive, Dr Lucie Moore, will be joining CEASE from September.  A specialist in sexual exploitation, Lucie is bringing a breadth of experience from her professional and voluntary work, including research, advocacy…