Centre to End All
Sexual Exloitation

Remembering Lucie’s Light
By Naomi Miles, Chair and Founder of CEASE January is a hard month. And for those of us who knew Dr Lucie Moore, CEASE’s Chief Executive who died from a sudden cardiac arrest late last year, it is especially hard. The period of acute mourning has passed, and we are now facing the new year…

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Sexual exploitation
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Remembering Lucie’s Light
By Naomi Miles, Chair and Founder of CEASE January is a hard month. And for those […]Will Ofcom stand up to the pornography industry?
By Gemma Kelly, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, CEASE On Thursday 16th January 2025, Ofcom […]Passing of Dr Lucie Moore, Chief Executive of CEASE
It is with an incredibly heavy heart that we share the sad news that our Chief […]CEASE 2023/24 Annual Report Published
By Tilda Nilsson, Programmes and Administrative Officer Another year has passed for CEASE, and as we […]Reflections on the Labour Party Conference 2024
By Gemma Kelly, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at CEASE This was the first time […]