Centre to End All
Sexual Exloitation

Remembering Lucie’s Light

By Naomi Miles, Chair and Founder of CEASE January is a hard month. And for those of us who knew Dr Lucie Moore, CEASE’s Chief Executive who died from a sudden cardiac arrest late last year, it is especially hard.  The period of acute mourning has passed, and we are now facing the new year…

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A 25-year-old sleeping with 1,057 men in one day. How have the sexual scripts of all involved become so compartmentalised and commodified?
When objectification is normalised, sex becomes consumption, not desire or connection.
#PornCulture #Objectification

Question for users of pimping websites: How do you know if the woman has been trafficked or exploited into prostitution? The demand fuels exploitation, turning women into commodities for financial gain. Without demand, there’d be no supply. #EndTrafficking

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